Software List and supporting test data download page

This page provide test data download that don't be supported on the Github repo due to the file size restriction. Sometime the test data is bigger than 100 Mb cap.

  1. temposeqcount
  2. temposeqcount is analysis pipeline for TempO-Seq/RASL-Seq project that utilizes all next-generation sequencing platforms such as RADSeq. TempO-Seq allow targeted sequencing to high-throughput sample processing with the use of templates-dependent oligo ligation on 384 well plate. Knowing the number of reads mapped to the probes per well is the first step in the analysis. The application accept demultiplexed fastq folder and the manifest csv file that has probes and sample information to quantify the reads mapped to the probe per well in parallel.

    The github repo can be accessed at temposeqcount repository and the original publication can be found at Frontiers in Genetics paper.

  3. puticr
  4. puticr is a software under development to achieve some task, the manuscript will be submitted soon for publication.
    The github repo can be accessed at puticr repository and the original publication can be found at Human imprintome paper. Here is the test data associated with this application: click here to download. The website associated with this research can be accessed at Human ICRs website.

  5. seeQTL
  6. seeQTLA searchable human eQTL browser and database. Kai Xia did the original design and publication, but I redesigned and build the database and redeployed the web application.
    The website can be accessed at seeQTL and the original publication can be found at Bioinformatics paper. The additional new publication associated with this work can be found at Human Liver . The website associated with this research can be accessed at seeQTL website.

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