Recent Publications

1. (2012). The genetic landscape of mutations in Burkitt lymphoma. Nature Genetics.
2. (2012). Using High-Throughput Sequencing of Red Blood Cells and Platelets to Identify Micrornas Associated with Hematopoiesis.. American Society of Hematology.
3. (2012). The genetic landscape of mutations in Burkitt lymphoma. Nature genetics.
4. (2012). The genetic landscape of immune-competent and HIV lymphoma. Infectious Agents and Cancer.
5. (2012). The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced tumor suppressor microRNA MiR-34a is growth promoting in EBV-infected B cells. Journal of virology.
6. (2012). ID3 Is a Novel Tumor Suppressor Gene in Burkitt Lymphom. Blood.
7. (2011). Whole genome and exome sequencing reveals the genetic landscape of burkitt lymphoma. Blood.
8. (2011). Identification of MicroRNAs Associated with Erythropoiesis Through Deep Sequencing of Red Blood Cells. American Society of Hematology.
9. (2010). Hematologic Malignancies Research Consortium: Deep sequencing of the small RNA transcriptome of normal and malignant human B cells identifies hundreds of novel microRNAs. Blood.
10. (2010). Deep sequencing of the small RNA transcriptome of normal and malignant human B cells identifies hundreds of novel microRNAs. Blood, The Journal of the American Society of Hematology.