Cynthia a Moylan , Patricia a Sorrow , Alisha Mavis , Mustafa Bashir , Dereje Jima , Rachel Maguire , Erol Bozdogan , Stephanie Buie , Susan Kay Murphy , Anna Mae Diehl , Others
Obesity and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Childhood Associate with Altered DNA Methylation in Early Life .
Janine F Felix , Bonnie R Joubert , Andrea a Baccarelli , Gemma C Sharp , Catarina Almqvist , Isabella Annesi-Maesano , Hasan Arshad , Nour Baiz , Marian J Bakermans-Kranenburg , Kelly M Bakulski , Others
Cohort profile: pregnancy and childhood epigenetics (PACE) consortium .
International journal of epidemiology .
Timothy M Frayling , Robin N Beaumont , Samuel E Jones , Hanieh Yaghootkar , Marcus a Tuke , Katherine S Ruth , Francesco Casanova , Ben West , Jonathan Locke , Seth Sharp , Others
A common allele in FGF21 associated with sugar intake is associated with body shape, lower total body-fat percentage, and higher blood pressure .
Cell reports .
Denise K Reaves , Katherine a Hoadley , Katerina D Fagan-Solis , Dereje D Jima , Michael Bereman , Lynnelle Thorpe , Jyla Hicks , David McDonald , Melissa a Troester , Charles M Perou , Others
Nuclear localized LSR: a novel regulator of breast cancer behavior and tumorigenesis .
Molecular Cancer Research .